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Courses To Savor

Nine Planet Yoga °°° 90 minutes

Take our New Year’s Nine Planet Yoga Class on repeat here with the healing sequence handed down from the ancient yogis. Take this class daily, weekly or monthly and it will soon become your favorite yoga ritual. The asanas are sequenced according to the organizing principles in Nature. You will experience the qualities of relaxation, balance and energy along with the colors and mantras of the planets. The effects upon your physical, mental and emotional health are far-reaching.
Feel your entire being coming into balance.


There are three sections to the class:

the first - is the relaxing section. Each posture is followed by a period of deep relaxation. The color of the planetary Yantra is invoked.

the second - is the balancing section. Each posture is done with the intention of creating balance and an experience of stillness and meditative awareness.

the third - is the energizing section. Here the asanas are done more swiftly with an intensity that creates energy and focus.

This class is available to all levels of practitioner with the invitation to begin where you are, create the foundation for the asana you are exploring, and to stay curious!

Note: Consider taking Introduction To Working With The Planets (below soon) to learn more about the planetary influences and their benefits in this sequence.

Feng Shui and the Planets: a two-part class. (90 mins x 2)

Join Sarah for this two-part class on Feng Shui and the Planets.
The sessions were recorded during live classes.

Part One looks at your living space and how it reflects and nourishes your well-being.

Basic principles are given for energy flow within your home, and guidance on space clearing so that you can begin to prepare your spaces for their eventual beautification. Each person has a unique ‘vital body’ energy that will set the tone for their living space. An in depth look at the Vital Body planetary energies can be found in this class hand-out that accompanies the video.

Part Two continues the journey, here you will look at the energy in each room in the house along with the directions and best placements for Yantras and colors.


Enjoy this transformative journey.

Your home, body and mind will thank-you!

Feng Shui and the Planets — 2 part class download (video with hand-outs)
Sale Price: $75.00 Original Price: $90.00

Beautify your home.

Breathe more fully and live with joy.